Ons jaarlijkse Symposium ging door op 15 september en stond stil bij relevante studies en inzichten. Het moment bij uitstek onder media experten.
Agenda (14-18u):
• Belgian video streaming monitor (Tim Annonni, GroupM) View video
GroupM uses the Streaming Monitor to map out the complex and highly dynamic character of the Belgian streaming landscape.
• Radio & audio measurement. What’s at stake. What’s next? (Ania Lara, EGTA)
Ania Lara will offer an overview of the different radio audience measurement systems and present the latest advances and experiments in measurement from across Europe and beyond.
• 3 Years of voice technology in Belgium, where are we now ? (Damien D’Ostuni, Wavemaker)
You can’t ignore anymore the rise of Voice assistants and Smart speakers. But do you have any idea of its usage and adoption in Belgium? Well, you will get an answer during this presentation and also an overview of the evolution from those last 3 years.
Coffee Break
• Embracing the new different. Marketing post-Covid (Justin Gibbons, Partner Work Research UK) View video
Justin studied History at Edinburgh University and UCL before enjoying a career in research, cool-hunting and advertising. He is an armchair neuroscientist and wrote a marketing book. The title of this book P² + C = 5 is the formula for how marketers can harness the power of public and private marketing to focus on what really matters, the search for effectiveness.
• Panel debate: Ecommerce: News kids in town… with Laurence Baeten (MD/Partner Blue2Purple & Ads Director Europe eTAIL Agency), Sascha Van der Borght (CMO Publicis Groupe) and Laurien Van Aken (Lecturer eCommerce Thomas More, Founder of Ceemore and eComm experience at Duvel Moortgat and Carrefour).
Belgium is the 28th largest market for eCommerce. With a yearly growth rate of 5% between 2021 and 2025, Belgium is expected to grow at a slower rate than the global average. What could be the impact of Amazon’s arrival in Belgium for marketers and media ? A promising debate with three experts moderated by Matthias Langenaeker.
Drink Talk Moment. De namiddag sluiten we af met een drankje en een fijne babbel.
Datum: donderdag 15 september 2022
Timing: 14:00-17:30 gevolgd door een drankje.
Plaats: Bluepoint, Reyerslaan, 80 te 1030 Brussel. (View maps)
Parking is beschikbaar onder het gebouw.
Deze LIVE sessie is GRATIS voor de leden van CommPass. Meer informatie over lidmaatschap en welke bedrijven een “Company Membership” hebben onderschreven dat van al hun werknemers leden maakt, is hier beschikbaar. Niet-leden betalen 250 euros.