Voting Media Advertiser of the Year 2024

Tot 30 mei heb je de kans om jouw stem uit te brengen voor Media Advertiser of the Year!


Gaetano Palermo, ENGIE, Head Of Brand Advertising & Media (LinkedIn)

“Mon engagement pour la défense et la consolidation de la marque ENGIE est un terrain de jeu passionnant (même si parfois explosif). Cette marque revêt une dimension à la fois politique, économique et sociétale. ENGIE est certes une marque commerciale, mais elle est également un acteur majeur de l’industrie (producteur, fournisseur et opérateur nucléaire). ENGIE est exposé chaque jour à de possibles agressions politiques et médiatiques malgré son rôle crucial dans la sécurité d’approvisionnement du pays. La transition énergétique est sa raison d’être.
Mon premier défi en 2015 a été de mener à bien le rebranding de la marque Electrabel en ENGIE. Une évolution majeure couronnée de succès, puisque qu’ENGIE est aujourd’hui la marque énergie préférée des Belges.
Je suis un « afficionados » des collaborations humaines et respectueuses qui favorisent l’intelligence collective. Je répète à mes équipes : “Nous travaillons avec des personnes, pas avec des agences ou des régies”. Je suis également convaincu de la responsabilité des annonceurs dans l’économie locale des médias. Ils jouent un rôle crucial en soutenant les médias locaux, essentiels au débat démocratique. C’est un aspect auquel je porte une attention particulière.


Naomi Osorio Galan, The Coca-Cola Company, Manager Media Operations Belux (LinkedIn)

“Getting the most out of our (Media) Partnerships”:
Together with the Partners WPP and EssenceMediacom, we have brought creative excellence and unparalleled marketing capabilities that no other advertisers can deploy. This partnership integrates our capabilities across content, media, data, production, and technology. What sets my approach apart is the integrated synchronization marketing-related topic beyond just media.
For me, my partners are not limited to the agencies I work with. I value Belgian media actors as being crucial and essential to make our plans come to live in this market. Being an international company, we are often pushed to collaborate with global partners, but in my case, I always give the priority to local relevancy and in that sense to my long-lasting local media brands. Collaboration is key to evolve together and to go the extra mile, which is why I involve media partners from the beginning of the process, making them brainstorm along with the agencies and myself to build the most innovative plans together.
I collaborate with media partners in full transparency and on a regular basis thanks to my past in media agencies and I am fully convinced that considering them as partners rather than suppliers reinforces the relationship. In short: we are ALL one team.


Luc W. Latour, AXA, Brand & Media Manager (LinkedIn)

“Launching and bringing alive “Know You Can” has been a fantastic journey that
wouldn’t have been possible without the expertise and integrated collaboration of all
partners involved (creative agency, media agency and media sales houses). In my hybrid role of marketing communication generalist and project leader, I managed to reshape the brand.
We used a well-balanced 70-20-10 mix was to install “Know You Can”, with a lot of attention to connecting the brand positioning to our local culture by appointing Nafi Thiam as Belgian ambassador on the one hand, but also by making sure strong local media actions and integrations were implemented on the other hand. With my team and the partners, we also set up a rigorous measurement approach to see if the brand evolved in the right direction and tested various new research methodologies from several media partners to measure and improve the impact of the actions, including neuroscience and eye tracking tools and implicit association testing. A dashboard was also put in place to be able to have a permanent view on all main KPI’s in a quick and easy
Doing so, we clearly contributed to the media sector by launching or stimulating certain media; realizing never seen content integrations and embracing research innovations.