23/5 (opgelet, deze sessie is per uitzondering op een woensdag)
Dit is een extra session, waarbij CommPass als host fungeert van Blockchain Vlaanderen, een meetup groep (van meer dan 1600 personen) die elke 3 maanden samenkomt om te discussiëren over Blockchain gerelateerde materies.
How can blockchain impact the sector of advertising & content?
Doors open 18h00
18.30 – Welcome
19.00 – “Why is the advertising ecosystem interested in Blockchain? An overview of opinions”
Wout Dockx, Media & Management consultant
19.20 – “Impact of Blockchain on advertising”
Christopher L. Sparks. Lecturer at University of Maastricht and Radio Show host at Crypto Radio
20.00 – Break with sandwich
20.30 – Startup: Hey
Hey is an app that upgrades communication over the internet by helping users to share and find tips, warnings or general knowledge on any website they visit in a faster, friendlier and more contextual way than forums or social networks currently allow. Thanks to its token system, most advertising revenues are redistributed to users — those who create valuable content and help the platform grow. Marc Jacobs – Co-founder & CEO
21.00 – Startup: Basic Attention Token
Basic Attention Token radically improves the efficiency of digital advertising by creating a new token that can be exchanged between publishers, advertisers, and users. It all happens on the Ethereum blockchain. The token can be used to obtain a variety of advertising and attention-based services on the Brave platform.
Video call with Brian Brown – Go-to-market
Moderated by Roeland Gielen, Blockchain Vlaanderen
21.30 – 22.30 – Networking
All presentations will be in English
Deze sessie zal doorgaan bij RTL House, Georginlaan 2 – 1030 Brussel
CommPass leden hebben gratis toegang.
Voor niet-leden is de toegang 130 euro.